顶级投资人 雷·达里奥 作品《原则》13- 第二章 实现梦想的五大步骤


My 5-Step Process to Getting What You Want Out of Life


The you I am referring to here is the strategic you – the one who is deciding on what you want and how best to get it, previously referred to as you (1).


There are five things that you have to do to get what you want out of life.

  • First, you have to choose your goals, which will determine your direction.
  • Then you have to design a plan to achieve your goals.
  • On the way to your goals, you will encounter problems As I mentioned, these problems typically cause pain. The most common source of pain is in exploring your mistakes and weaknesses. You will either react badly to the pain or react like a master problem solver. That is your choice.
  • To figure out how to get around these problems you must be calm and analytical to accurately diagnose your problems. Only after you have an accurate diagnosis of them can you design a plan that will get you around your problems.
  • Then you have to do the tasks specified in the plan. Through this process of encountering problems and figuring out how to get around them, you will become progressively more capable and achieve your goals more easily. Then you will set bigger, more challenging goals, in the same way that someone who works with weights naturally increases the poundage. This is the process of personal evolution, which I call my 5-Step Process.


  • 首先,选择你的目标,这会为你指明方向。
  • 然后你需要设计一个方案来实现你的目标。
  • 这个过程中,你会遇到问题,正如我说过的,这些问题一般都会带来痛苦。痛苦最普遍的是来源于你发现自己会犯错,而且还有很多缺点。面对问题,你将要么对着痛苦怨声载道,要么像大师级的问题解决能手一样从容应对,这是你自己的选择。
  • 要解决这些问题,必须冷静,精准分析,诊断问题。只有精准诊断问题后,才能设计解决问题的方案。
  • 接下来,你要完成方案里设置的具体任务。通过遇到问题,寻找解决方案,你会变得更积极,更有能力,更易实现梦想,进而就能设置更宏伟,更具挑战性的目标了,就像练哑铃的人也会不断增加哑铃的重量一 样。这就是个人成长过程,我称之为五大步骤。

In other words, “The Process” consists of five distinct steps:


• Have clear goal .


• Identify and don’t tolerate the problems that stand in the way of achieving your goals.

发现问题 ,对阻碍目标实现的问题零容忍。

• Accurately diagnose these problems.


• Design plans that explicitly lay out tasks that will get you around your problems and on to your goals.


• Implement these plans—i.e., do these tasks.


You need to do all of these steps well in order to be successful.


Before discussing these individual steps in more detail, I want to make a few general points about the process.


1. You must approach these as distinct steps rather than blur them together. For example,when setting goals, just set goals (don’t think how you will achieve them or the other steps); when diagnosing problems, just diagnose problems (don’t think about how you will solve them or the other steps). Blurring the steps leads to suboptimal outcomes because it creates confusion and short-changes the individual steps. Doing each step thoroughly will provide information that will help you do the other steps well,since the process is iterative.

每个步骤要界限分明独立操作,不可交叉重叠混为一谈。 例如,设置目标时就只想着设置目标,不要想你怎么实现或想别的步骤;诊断问题时就仅仅诊断问题,不要想怎么解决或想别的步骤。步骤之间相互混杂会导致不尽人意的结果,因为这样会令人产生困惑,给每个步骤带来临时的变数。完整地完成每个步骤,有助于更好地完成其他步骤,因为整个过程可以循环往复。

2. Each of these five steps requires different talents and disciplines. Most probably, you have lots of some of these and inadequate amounts of others. If you are missing any of the required talents and disciplines, that is not an insurmountable problem because you can acquire them, supplement them, or compensate for not having them, if you recognize your weaknesses and design around them. So you must be honestly self-reflective.

每个步骤都需要具备不同的能力,了解不同学科的知识。很可能你这方面懂很多,那方面懂一 点,有些方面则没什么了解,如果你在完成步骤所需的资质或学科知识上不够完备,也不是什么不可逾越的大问题,因为不会的可以学,可以补充,不知道的地方也有抵消的办法,只要你认识到自己的缺点,并设计出解决方案,这就不是难事儿。所以请做一名诚实的自省者。

3. It is essential to approach this process in a very clear-headed, rational way rather than emotionally. Figure out what techniques work best for you; e.g., if emotions are getting the better of you, take time out until you can reflect unemotionally, seek the guidance of calm, thoughtful others, etc.


To help you do these things well—and stay centered and effective rather than stressed and thrown off by your emotions—try this technique for reducing the pressure: treat your life like a game or a martial art. Your mission is to figure out how to get around your challenges to get to your goals. In the process of playing the game or practicing this martial art, you will become more skilled. As you get better, you will progress to ever- higher levels of the game that will require—and teach you—greater skills. I will explain what these skills are in the next section. However, the big and really great news is that you don’t need to have all of these skills to succeed! You just have to 1) know they are needed; 2) know you don’t have some of them; and 3) figure out how to get them (i.e., either learn them or work with others who have them).


This particular game—i.e., your life—will challenge you in ways that will be uncomfortable at times. But if you work through this discomfort and reflect on it in order to learn, you will significantly improve your chances of getting what you want out of life. By and large, life will give you what you deserve and it doesn’t give a damn what you “like.” So it is up to you to take full responsibility to connect what you want with what you need to do to get it, and then to do those things—which often are difficult but produce good results—so that you’ll then deserve to get what you want.

这个特别的游戏,也就是你的人生,会时不时出现令你不悦的挑战。但如果你克服了这种不悦, 反思学习,就能大幅度提升实现梦想的几率。总体来说,生活会给你应得的回报,它并不在乎你喜欢什么,所以你要自己负起责任来,搭建起“自己想要什么”和“该如何做才能得到”之间的桥梁,然后脚踏实地干起来,做起来虽然不那么容易,但能收获满意的结果,实现你的梦想。

That’s just the way it is, so you might as well accept it. Once you accept that playing the game will be uncomfortable, and you do it for a while, it will become much easier (like it does when getting fit) . When you excel at it, you will find your ability to get what you want thrilling. You’ll see that excuses like “That’ s not easy” are of no value and that it pays to “push through it” at a pace you can handle. Like getting physically fit, the most important thing is that you keep moving forward at whatever pace you choose, recognizing the consequences of your actions. When you think that it’s too hard, remember that in the long run, doing the things that will make you successful is a lot easier than being unsuccessful. The first-order consequences of escaping life’s challenges may seem pleasurable in the moment, but the second-and third-order consequences of this approach are your life and, over time, will be painful. With practice, you will eventually play this game like a ninja, with skill and a calm centeredness in the face of adversity that will let you handle most of your numerous challenges well.

游戏就是这么玩的,最终你会接受的。一旦你接受了玩这场游戏会有一些不 适,并坚持一段时间,一切会变得越来越容易,就像健身一样。当你实现了超越,会为实现了梦想而兴奋不已,像“这可不容易”之类的借口就会变得毫无价值,按自己能掌控的节奏“突破自己”就会带来回报。跟健身一样,最重要的是,无论你选择了什么速度,都要坚持前行, 才能认识到这样做的结果。当你觉得这太困难时,请记住,从长远来看,做能让自己成功的事,比失败容易得多。逃避人生中挑战的一级效应在那一刻看起来是令人愉悦的,但其带来的二、三级效应,随时间流逝,会真的带来痛苦的人生。通过不断练习,最终你能跟忍者一样技艺娴熟,面对逆境能做到冷静专注,从容应对各种挑战。

However, you will never handle them all well: mistakes are inevitable, and it’s important to recognize and accept this fact of life. The good news, as I have mentioned, is that most learning comes through making mistakes—so there is no end to learning how to play the game better. You will have an enormous number of decisions to make, so no matter how many mistakes you make, there will be plenty of opportunities to build a track record of success.


That’s basically the whole concept.


Let’s pause and reflect on this before moving on.


• Does what I am saying make sense to you?


• Do you agree that it is true?


• If not, why not?


If you can’t work through your doubts alone, speak to me or to others about it, but PLEASE do not proceed until you agree with the basic logic behind the 5-Step Process. Either you will get comfortable with it and internalize it or you will point out something that is wrong and the process will get better.



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