People who confuse what they wish were true with what is really true create distorted pictures of reality that make it impossible for them to make the best choices. They typically do this because facing “harsh realities” can be very difficult. However, by not facing these harsh realities, they don’t find ways of properly dealing with them. And because their decisions are not based in reality, they can’t anticipate the consequences of their decisions.
那些把“自己期望的真相”与“事实上的真相”混淆的人,会因为真实情况被扭曲,而无法做出最佳选择, 他们这样做是因为直面“残酷的现实”确实很难做到。但不直面这些残酷的现实,人们就没法找到从容应对这些现实的办法。如果决策不是基于真实情况,那么决策的结果就无法预测。
An example of this is what discussed earlier: wanting to save the wildebeest from the hyenas. When you don’t want to face what’s really happening, you can’t make sound decisions.
In contrast, people who know that understanding what is real is the first step toward optimally dealing with it make better decisions.
So, remember…
Ask yourself, “Is it true?”
…because knowing what is true is good.
How much do you let what you wish to be true stand in the way of seeing what is really true?