(7)集中力量 – 对我们的成功至关重要 | 宜家英格瓦《一个家具商的宣言The Testament of a Furniture Dealer 》

作者:英格瓦 坎普拉德

7 Concentration – important to our success

The general who divides his resources will invariably be defeated. Even a multitalented athlete has problems.

For us too, it is a matter of concentration – focusing our resources. We can never do everything, everywhere, all at the same time.

Our range cannot be allowed to overflow. We will never be able to satisfy all tastes anyway. We must concentrate on our own profile. We can never promote the whole of our range at once. We must concentrate. We cannot conquer every market at once. We must concentrate for maximum impact, often with small means.

While we are concentrating on important areas, we must learn to do what people in Småland call “lista”. “Lista” is common term in Småland; it means “making do”, doing what you have to do with an absolute minimum of resources.

When we are building up a new market, we concentrate on marketing. Concentration means that at certain vital stages we are forced to neglect otherwise important aspects such as security systems. That is why we have to make extra special demands on the honesty and loyalty of every co-worker.

Concentration – the very word implies strength. Use it in your daily work. It will give you results.

7 集中力量 – 对我们的成功至关重要


我们也必须集中 – 集中我们的力量。我们不可能同时在所有地方做所有事情。




集中 – 这个词本身就意味着力量。把它运用于日常工作。



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