企业愿景范例:宜家英格瓦《一个家具商的宣言The Testament of a Furniture Dealer 》


企业愿景范例:宜家英格瓦《一个家具商的宣言The Testament of a Furniture Dealer 》


作者:英格瓦 坎普拉德

To create a better everyday life for the many people

by offering a wide range of well-designed, functional home furnishing products at prices so low that as many people as possible will be able to afford them.

We have decided once and for all to side with the many. What is good for our customers is also, in the long run, good for us. This is an objective that carries obligations.

All nations and societies in both the East and West spend a disproportionate amount of their resources on satisfying a minority of the population. In our line of business, for example, far too many of the fine designs and new ideas are reserved for a small circle of the affluent. That situation has influenced the formulation of our objectives.

After only a couple of decades, we have achieved good results. A well-known Swedish industrialist-politician has said that IKEA has meant more for the process of democratisation than many political measures put together. We believe, too, that our actions have inspired many of our colleagues to work along the same lines.

Sweden, our “domestic market”, has become a world pioneer in that many of the new concepts have been devised right from the outset for the benefit of the many – all those people with limited resources. We are in the forefront of that development.

But we have great ambitions. We know that we can be a beneficial influence on practically all markets. We know that in the future we will be able to make a valuable contribution to the process of democratisation outside our own homeland too. We know that larger production runs give us new advantages on our home ground, as well as more markets to spread our risks over. That is why it is our duty to expand.

The means we use for achieving our goals are characterised by our unprejudiced approach, by “doing it a different way” if you will, and by our aim to be simple and straightforward in ourselves and in our relations with others.Lifestyle is a strong word, but I do not hesitate to use it.

Part of creating a better everyday life for the many people also consists of breaking free from status and convention – becoming freer as human beings. We aim to make our name synonymous with that concept too – for our own benefit and for the inspiration of others.
We must, however, always bear in mind that freedom implies responsibility, meaning that we must demand much of ourselves.

No method is more effective than the good example.

I claimed earlier that we contribute to the process of democratisation. Let me add, to avoid any misunderstanding, thatthis does not mean that we take a position on questions of equality – such as salary issues. Though you may say that here again, we approach these problems from a different perspective.

Our product range and price philosophy, which are the essence of our work, are described in the following chapters. They also describe the rules and methods that we have worked out over the years as cornerstones of the framework of ideas that have made and will continue to make IKEA a unique company.

Ingvar Kamprad,

20 December 1976






瑞典 – 我们的本土市场,已成为世界的领军者。在这里我们开创的许多新理念已经使经济条件有限的普通大众能够买到质量上乘的家具。我们位于发展的最前沿。



为大多数人创造更美好的日常生活,还意味着要摆脱地位和世俗的束缚 – 活得更自由更真实。为了我们的自身利益,并且激励他人,我们要让宜家的名字成为我们理念的代名词。我们必须牢记自由意味着责任,也就是说,我们必须对自己提出更高的要求。




英格瓦 坎普拉德



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